The other day I spent time with two close family members, both suffering with anxiety. Neither could pinpoint the reason they were so stressed. One was new to the feeling; one has dealt with it most of her life. I'm going to refer to the second one as Izzy, the name I gave to the protagonist in my soon-to-be-released Middle Grade novel, DIFFERENT.
Izzy was diagnose with Tourette Syndrome when she was five years old. I watched as she struggled with both physical and vocal tics. They were the outward signs of this neurological condition and she was extremely embarrassed by them. But the hidden issues—the Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, and on occasion the onset of uncontrollable rage—all of which came under the umbrella of TS—were not so visible.
My heart ached for this child as I watched her grow. My first impulse, as a novelist, was to write a book about this devastating disorder and how it affects the child and the family. But I was too close. It hurt too much. I needed distance. I waited more than a decade before I felt emotional capable of putting words on paper. It took several years after that to complete the novel.
My hope is that DIFFERENT will help families, teachers, and the public in general to understand what life is like living with TS. That the disorder is so much more than its physical manifestations. That there is a real person that feels deep pain with every unfriendly/judgmental glance that his or her movements and sounds elicit.
Izzy's handling of her disorder has taught me empathy. Her presence in my life has brought me great joy. My greatest wish is that I've done justice to her and all those afflicted with TS and it's associated disorders. I am humbled by their bravery.
For more information about the novel DIFFERENT or to pre-order, visit