Saturday, October 17, 2015

You Only Have To Be Right Once

You Only Have To Be Right Once



Disappointment. It can be crippling. Whether it's in love, work, or missed opportunity, when something you looked forward to or planned for, doesn't work out, you—okay, I—let it stop me cold. But over the years, I've been able to shorten that period of numbness. Now it lasts for a day, sometimes two. I've learned to put it behind me and forge ahead.

Take yesterday, for example. I'd made an appointment to pitch my new novel to an agent at a writer's conference, but she'd had an emergency and didn't show up. She was the whole reason for my being there in the first place. My stomach dropped. I'd just driven 2 1/2 hours, checked into a motel, and spent more money than I should have. BUT...

The presenter of the conference and the motel people said yes to refunding my money. The agent offered a more direct route to querying her. And, I was able to drive home and sleep in my own bed that night. I'd lost some time, yes, but that's okay. One can do a lot of thinking, plotting out scenes, developing story lines on a long drive. And I'm a believer in fate. Everything happens for a reason. And if I don't see that reason clearly right away, it will make itself know eventually.

It's taken my a long time to learn that lesson. I wish I could pull a "Peggy Sue Got Married" and go back in time. Know then what I know now. That would be so cool. Oooops. I think I just gave away the plot of my next novel. So happy I had that long ride home! 

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